Hello, my name is Sophia and I set up CIRCOL after years of doing my own research trying to find brands for things that I wanted to buy that were responsible. From how to find the most ethically made food (turns out organic is a gold standard for both environmental and animal treatment) to what cleaning products contain the least harmful chemicals for when they end up back in the environment.

Finding responsible clothing brands was and still feels particularly hard. With the vast number of brands, and the seemingly endless number of certifications, materials and other "sustainable" attributes that they claim, it can be hard to see the wood from the trees. So I've put my research skills into understanding what the claims and certifications actually mean.

I've found a resulting collection of brands that I think meet the threshold of responsibility. They're not perfect, often because we don't have perfect ways to guarantee ethical production, but they use a blend of more sustainable materials and are taking actions to ensure workers have been treated fairly. Especially when compared to global fast-fashion brands who create vast waste and put crushing pressure on suppliers for ever cheaper prices, I believe these brands are a more ethical choice for when you choose to buy something new.

You can find all the research I've done into the brands, as well as the research on all the certifications, materials etc. in the 'OUR RESEARCH' section. Hopefully this can be a useful resource to help you make informed decisions.

One final note: I don't think ethical consumerism is a replacement for other forms of political action. But it is an important and concrete way for us to signal our values to corporations and governments. And if you're anything like me, you want to spend your money with companies trying to do business responsibly, rather than mega-corps happy to destroy the planet and keep workers in sweat shop conditions in the pursuit of profits.